I have never owned a Mac, but curious about what all of the fuss was about, I finally broke down and purchased a MacBook Pro 13" with an i7 processor. Actually, I purchased it for my 15 year old sons, but I think they will let me use it some. Being a Mac neophite, I also purchased the "one to one" service so I could learn how it works. My first experience has not made a Mac converrt out of me yet. iMovie, the supposedly easy to use video program that comes with the Mac, says when I open it to drag a video to the screen, so I do, but it won't stay. The file is in apple's .mov format, so I assume it is compatable with apple's iMovie, but it does not seem to work. So, I went to sign up for a 1 to 1 lesson on how to use the program, only to discover that I can't log on using the number on my ID card. So, I contact tech support who said I had to contact my local store in Ridgeland and they could help me. They tell me that if I come into the store, they can help me with my login there, but can't help me over the phone. So, I must make a 40 mile round trip drive to a store to get the info needed to log into a site so that I can then schedule a future appointment at the store for training on a program that is not nearly as intuitive as I was lead to belive. So far 'It just works" has not been my experience.
If you think you're having problems with Apple as a consumer, try being a developer. It's an absolute nightmare!!
Posted by: Laptop Repairs Hinckley | June 02, 2012 at 06:23 AM
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Posted by: Deangelo | January 07, 2014 at 06:53 AM