I have been a Tablet PC user for a couple of years now, being first promted to do such by James Province, the TabletLawyer. The best piece of software for the tablet has to be Microsoft OneNote. James gave an excellent seminar on using OneNote for lawyers last week, and the recording of the seminar is located at https://swrt.worktankseattle.com/webcast/5296/signup.aspx.
I attended this webinar and it was frankly amazing. I had no idea Microsoft had that kind of ability.
Posted by: Pearl Nathanson | October 07, 2010 at 12:36 PM
My spouse and i visited that web seminar and this was frankly incredible. I really didn't know Microsoft had that kind of skill.
Posted by: Attorneys Power | April 02, 2012 at 02:29 AM
If you are a landlord or a tenant, regardless if the subject property is part of a commercial or residential, you have many rights that you need to be aware of. Attorney in Fort Laduerdale has helped resolve many types of landlord-tenant disputes whether it's having a non-compliant tenant that you need evicted, a dispute over a security deposit or property damage and much more.
Posted by: Attorney in Fort Laduerdale | April 05, 2012 at 01:29 AM
However, One Note provides additional functionality which is of great value to attorneys. One Note allows the user to record while taking notes on the tablet.
Posted by: Toronto Car Accident Lawyers | May 30, 2012 at 07:41 AM
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Posted by: Calgary Real Estate Lawyer | July 13, 2012 at 03:30 AM